Crypto Hack Support Helplines — To Recover Your Money Back From Crypto Scams

If you’ve ever been hacked or scammed in the cryptocurrency industry, you’re not alone. It sucks big time, but there’s no shame in being a victim. What matters is that you do everything in your power to help yourself — and that means knowing what resources are out there.

We know it can be overwhelming to figure out where to go for help while you’re still reeling from the shock of being hacked or scammed. That’s why we’ve made this guide to help you get started and recover your lost virtual coins as quickly as possible.

Chargeback Pros Helpline

If you just need a professional to assist you with recovering your lost cryptos and help you understand more about how to protect yourself from scam attempts and hacks, Chargebackpro’s helpline is available 24/7 at Our team of experts is ready to assist you with your questions and concerns.

Telegram Crypto HelpLine@report2chargeback, a 24/7 service for victims of illegal hacking and scams in the crypto space.

Crypto Help Line 2, offers peer-to-peer support from other victims of cryptocurrency crimes, as well as advice from industry experts on how to protect yourself going forward. Which also has a lot of resources for families who have had a member victimized by crypto crime.

Scam Detector

The Scam Detector website has a comprehensive list of all known scams targeting cryptocurrency users and investors. If you suspect that the hack or scam was one of these well-known problems, then head over there for tips on how to stay safe in the future.

You can report the scammer’s wallet address here on to file for a refund and chargeback.

You can see how much cryptocurrency has been sent to the scammer’s wallet address here:

If the scammer used Bitcoin, then you can report the scammer’s Bitcoin wallet address here:

If the scammer used Ethereum, then you can report the scammer’s Ethereum wallet address here:

Watch out for recovery scammers who claim that they can help you unmask or trace a cryptocurrency wallet address.

