Ways that you can prevent losing your crypto to scammers.

Never give out your private key or secret passphrase to anyone, not even your closest friends or family members. This is the most important rule of them all and one that you should never break.

Always use a two-factor authentication system when possible: this means using an app on your phone as well as entering a code from that app into whatever service you’re trying to access (like an exchange). Even if someone has both

Make sure you’re using a reputable exchange. If an exchange loses your funds, there’s not much you can do to get them back.

Stick with well-known sites like Coinbase and Gemini that have proven themselves over time and are backed by large companies like Google and Goldman Sachs.

Never use public Wi-Fi to access your crypto wallet.

Always have a backup of your private key for each cryptocurrency you own (you can do this by writing it down on paper or printing it out).

Make sure you’re using the correct currency address before sending money. This is especially important if you’re dealing with a new exchange or website that you haven’t used before.

That’s why it’s so important to not only secure your funds by using a hardware wallet like Nano Ledger S or Trezor but also use cryptocurrency exchanges that have built-in security features.

For example, Binance and BitFinex both offer 2FA (two-factor authentication) as well as other methods of protection from hacks such as cold storage and hot wallets.

If you have been scammed, remember that there are many ways to recover your lost cryptocurrency.

Our team of specialists can help you recover your funds and protect yourself from future scams. We offer a wide range of services that can help you investigate your case and recover your lost funds.

Our team is comprised of highly skilled professionals who are experts in their field and have years of experience working on cases similar to yours.

We also provide our clients with a detailed report on the findings of our investigation and any actionable steps that can be taken to resolve the issue at hand.

If the scammer lives in a different country, then international police cooperation may be necessary.

It’s also important to contact an expert who can help track down stolen crypto and even recover it through new technologies like blockchain forensics.

While cryptocurrency chargeback specialists can be helpful to people who’ve had their digital coins stolen, they typically charge a fee for their assistance.

The most important thing is to get started right away. The sooner you report the scam, the better your chances of recovering your lost cryptocurrency.

